Victoria University Of Wellington - Podcast

Distinguished Alumni series: Chris Parkin with Professor Jennifer Windsor



An interest in science and a taste of business during a year in Sydney saw Te Herenga Waka―Victoria University of Wellington distinguished alumnus Chris Parkin CNZM become one of the first students at the University to complete degrees in both Science and Commerce. The former hotelier and well-known art collector and philanthropist speaks to Kaiwhakakapi Tumu Whakarae—Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Jennifer Windsor about science, property development, art, and politics as part of the University's distinguished alumni podcast series. (NB: when this recording was made Professor Windsor was in her permanent role as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences and Education). This is one in a series of six podcasts recorded with Te Herenga Waka's 2021 Distinguished Alumni Awards recipients. Find out more about Chris: