The New Stack Makers

Where Does WebAssembly Fit in the Cloud Native World?



In this episode, Matt Butcher, CEO of Fermyon Technologies, discusses the potential impact of the component model on WebAssembly (Wasm) and its integration into the cloud-native landscape. WebAssembly is a binary instruction format enabling code to run anywhere, written in developers' preferred languages. The component model aims to provide a common way for WebAssembly libraries to express their needs and connect with other modules, reducing the barriers and maintenance of existing libraries. Butcher believes this model could be a game changer, allowing new languages to compile WebAssembly and utilize existing libraries seamlessly.WebAssembly also shows promise in delivering on the long-awaited potential of serverless computing. Unlike traditional virtual machines and containers, WebAssembly boasts a rapid startup time and addresses various developer challenges. Butcher states that developers have been eagerly waiting for a platform with these characteristics, hinting at a potential resurgence of serverless.