The Rich Roll Podcast

Elite Spartan Athlete Hunter McIntyre On How Obstacle Course Racing Saved His Life



At odds with the world seemingly since birth, the future wasn't looking so bright for Hunter McIntyre. A misfit kid with uncontrollable attention deficit disorder, Hunter realized early and often he functioned on one mode no sedative or bipolar medication could possibly curb: full blast. Discovering drugs and alcohol at 14 give his ill-at-ease nature comfort, but trouble soon follows. A downward spiral that invites increased school suspensions; escalating run-ins with Johnny Law; and even a short-lived, unsuccessful stint at military school in West Virginia. Facing jail time or rehab for a drug-fueled senior year prank gone terribly awry, Hunter's despairing parents ultimately ship him off to outpatient care in Montana, hoping clean air and big skies will bring grounding and perspective to young Hunter's errant ways. But dirty drug tests follow, leading to incarceration-type rehab stays in Nevada and New Mexico. Ultimately Hunter's sobriety officer intervenes, hooking him up with a logging job back in Montana