At The Coalface Podcast - Hosted By Jason Greenwood

At the Coalface Episode 50: 250M Invested in Magento - What Does it Mean?



In this episode we discuss the recent investment of 250M dollars made in Magento by a Chinese venture capital fund. What does this mean for you if you run Magento now or are considering it? What does this mean for the eCommerce ecosystem in general and what will Magento use the funds for? These and other questions answered in episode 50 of At the Coalface.# TIMESTAMPS2:35 - Drinking the Kool-Aid3:40 - eComm Platforms and the Ecosystem5:20 - The Great Firewall of China6:30 - Self Hosted and Localisation7:30 - Marketplaces & Opportunity8:05 - Commercial Savvy & Connections in China8:30 - Benefits to Magento Merchants