Rich Ferraro's Forest Ramble

The 1865 Forest Ramble meets: Talking Reds!



What with one thing and another, it's been one heck of a year. With Christmas looming, we wanted to give you something to warm your cockles, and so we welcome Keith Harrison to the 1865 Forest Ramble Podcast. If you don't know Keith's name, you definitely need to know about his new book, Talking Reds. This is a real treasure trove, interviewing players from Forest's last great era in the 1990s, spanning the late Clough era all the way through Frank Clark and Dave Harry Bassett, through to David Platt. Ex-Reds from Ian Woan and Steve Chettle, through to Chris Bart-Williams and Bryan Roy, share their experiences and their warmth and love for Nottingham Forest FC. Yes, really - don't believe everything you have heard! The book supports the Nottingham Forest Powerchair Team, so get your orders in for the Reds fan in your life. Like what you hear? Subscribe via your podcast provider, and please leave a review, as it helps other Forest supporters find our content. Find us on Twitter, join us on Instagram and Face