Bay Shore Camp

Misty Cramer Bible Study



Finding God’s Purposes within Everyday Moments - Have you ever wondered if God has a specific purpose for your life? And if He does, do you wonder what it could be? Often, we long for His purposes to be unveiled clearly before our very eyes. We examine well-known Bible characters, assuming that God’s purposes for them were distinctly outlined. But were they? Is it possible their purposes were not so evident in the moment? That instead, their purposes were a part of their everyday lives? This study will delve into the purposeful lives of Mary, Moses, Jonah, and others. We will see that although their purposes seem very clear to us, they were not as clear to them in the moment. Not unlike our own search for purpose, they also dealt with sacrifice, feelings of inadequacy, and even running from God. Let’s take this “purpose-seeking journey” together. We will see God’s purposes for our lives woven tightly into the fabric of our very own everyday moments.