The New Stack Makers

PromptOps: How Generative AI Can Help DevOps



Discover how large language models and generative AI are revolutionizing DevOps with PromptOps. The company, initially known as CtrlStack, introduces its unique process engine that comprehends human requests, reads knowledge bases, and generates code on the fly to accomplish tasks. Dev Nag, the CEO, explains how PromptOps saves users time and money by automating routine operations in  this podcast episode with The New Stack.Dev Nag is joined by GK Brar, PromptOps' founding engineer, and our host Joab Jackson as they delve into the concept of generative AI and its potential benefits for DevOps. Traditionally, DevOps tasks often involve repetitive troubleshooting and reporting, making automation essential. PromptOps specializes in intent matching, understanding nuanced requests and providing the right solutions.Notably, PromptOps employs generative AI offline to prepare for automating common actions and enhancing the user experience. Unlike others, PromptOps aims beyond simple enhancements. It aspires to transf