The Rich Roll Podcast

Andrew “Spud Fit” Taylor: How He Lost 114 Pounds Eating Nothing But Potatoes For An Entire Year



One of the great privileges of hosting this podcast is the occasional opportunity it presents to shift focus from conversations with globally prominent thought leaders to shine a bright spotlight on the struggles and triumphs of the everyman. Folks living average, relatable lives. Anonymous individuals dealing with issues all too many of us confront and combat — obesity, depression, disease, addiction and/or a sense of general dissatisfaction with their current life status. Authentic souls who reach the limit of their pain threshold and cross that tipping point to finally proclaim, enough is enough. On a personal note, nothing gives me more satisfaction than celebrating those who courageously challenge their life paradigm, step outside the cozy comfort zone, and attempt the extraordinary — all in the interest of gaining control of their well being and seizing the reigns of their life path. Folks like Josh LaJaunie, who lost over 200 pounds to conquer ultramarathons and even grace the cover of this month's Run