Nationalism Course Podcast

Onward think tank discussion on immigration



The Only Way is Up? Fixing UK immigration policy This year, net migration reached 606,000 – the highest figure on record, and nearly double the pre-Brexit average. Despite historic pledges to bring immigration down to the tens of thousands, a vote to take back control of the border and a manifesto commitment that numbers would fall, the points-based system has resulted in record increases. Two-thirds of voters say net migration is too high. Yet the UK is suffering from a labour shortage and inflation crisis; a former Chancellor has recommended increasing migration to keep wages and interest rates down, while business leaders say they need access to more workers. In this third Future of Conservatism event, Project Director Gavin Rice will chair an expert panel discussing what UK immigration policy should look like in the 2020s. Speakers Gavin Rice, Rt Hon Damian Green MP, Alan Manning, Madeleine Sumption, Eric Kaufmann Details July 10, 2023 18:30- 20:30 Location UnHerd Club, 6 Old Queen Street, London, SW