Sub Moa

Tomato... Tomato. Constructive Criticism



THE SNIPER TARGET. Maui. Establishing habits for dialing. Videos being put out by MDT PRO's that seem more click bate. A solid episode where Jeph is in disagreement with Tyler and is trying ever so hard to change his mind. After a week of discussions, research, theorizing, and ultimately deciding on what the goals are, what is the purpose of the drill? How tight of a standard are we wanting to hold? There was quite alot of feedback regarding our target. DM's, Emails, Jephs friend, people reaching out discussing the Cranial Vault, why that should be the standard. Based off of a good theory and one man with a doctor on  his side saying "This is the way". So we took it all in. And now we present it to you. Lay it at your feet and allow you to decide. The target was modified to find a middle ground between both sides of the road. But ultimately there are certain things Tyler will not allow to be set aside as a lower priority skillset, which is the ability to accurate and precisely place a shot