Princeton Theological Seminary

President Barnes preaches on Matthew 4:1-4 | March 24, 2022



Seminary Chapel The Temptation to be Less Than Human This is a three-week Lenten series of homilies on the temptation of Christ. It is significant that all three of these temptations came immediately after Jesus’ baptism, where he identified with us, and heaven declared that he was “the Beloved, with whom God is well pleased.” As the Son of Humanity, Jesus’ temptations depict the essence of our temptations. All of them make us question if we are truly the beloved of God. Scripture: Matthew 4:1-4 “The Temptation to be Full” We were created hungry, and every morning we wake up to confront appetite again. We hunger not just for food but for greater intimacy, meaning, security, peace, hope, and the list goes on. Hunger confronts us with a choice. Will we make it our god?