The Rich Roll Podcast

Roll On: Work Is a False Idol



We live in a culture where identity is inextricably linked to our careers—but who we are is not what we do. And work is not a substrate for identity. In addition to philosophizing on capitalism, hedonistic altruism, and rest as resistance, in today’s edition of ‘Roll On’ Adam Skolnick and I trade fitness updates, perform a virtual reality show & tell, answer listener questions, and more. Aside from being my bi-weekly sidekick hype beast, Adam is a waterman, writer, activist, and veteran journalist best known as David Goggins’ Can’t Hurt Me, co-author. He writes about adventure sports, environmental issues, and civil rights for outlets such as The New York Times, Outside, ESPN, BBC, and Men’s Health. He is the author of One Breath and is currently using the ‘new dad’ excuse to avoid working on his novel. Specific topics covered in this episode include: an update on endurance swimmer Lewis Pugh’s ‘Code Red’ arctic swim; a recap of the Leadville 100, the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc, and Robbie Balenger’s Colorad