The Rich Roll Podcast

What Now?



I have endeavored to keep politics out of this podcast. A podcast proudly built on radical inclusivity that transcends political ideology and affiliation. That said, in the wake of last week, many have solicited my perspective on what I think we can all agree is a historic election — perhaps the most jolting and important political event of our lifetimes. So today, I officially go on record. I'm nervous. Because my truth may not be your truth. But know that I welcome our differences. I do this because I stand for fidelity to authenticity. And authenticity requires I give voice to my truth. I do this with eyes wide open. I understand and accept that I very well may be committing social media suicide. I do this because I am dismayed by the extent to which we are divided as a people. I do this because fear runs rampant. Because discord rules the conversation. Because facts have been rendered irrelevant. Because fundamental rights are being threatened. Because dignity is being trampled. Because science is under s