Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe

#226 Autistic Rambler Ep 18: Expertise Comes In Many Valuable Forms



I had a GREAT description written and then Soundcloud messed it up! Now my expertise is in writing and crafting messaging but that doesn't mean I want to rewrite this one ;) Today we're talking about the value of lived experience and owning the title of expert if it fits you. It's a bit of a journey to get there but the other value is that if you can find a way to share your voice and expertise, then you make change happen. People who have no lived experience in some areas should NOT be in charge of creating policy, programs or other opportunities without folks with lived experience being involved. And much like how you can't pay an architect for their experience using gift cards, lived experience experts should also get paid. If you valued someone enough to ask for their opinion / expertise, then it's valuable enough to pay for ;)