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Unlocking Agelessness (or at Least Aging Slower): NAD+, Groundbreaking Clinical Trials, and Deciphering Biological vs. Chronological Age Feat. Nichola Conlon #449



Today, why you need NAD+ to stop aging so quickly... Nichola Conlon has been on Zestology before, and she's back to talk about her favourite topic, plus various health areas of scientific interest that have been grabbing her attention. We looked at... Longevity and health An NAD+ refresher (and why it's so compelling for health and longevity) Difference between the different ways to boost NAD (IVs, injections, NR/NMN) Nichola's company's clinical trial results, including what it does to biological age A discussion of biological v chronological age Nichola Conlon is a molecular biologist specialising in the study of cellular ageing. After a career in drug development, she founded Nuchido Laboratories to deliver disruptive innovation in the field of anti-ageing, rejuvenation and healthspan. Check her out.   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BiOptimizers — Four out of five Americans are magnesium deficient, and almost everyone is at suboptimal levels. That’s a big problem because magnesium is involved in more th