Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

Challenge #7 – Stop “Selling” and Start Talking About The Customer’s Problems



Most people feel like they have to put on their “sales hat” in order to convince people to buy. But when you take this approach, it often feels fake and ingenuine – not only for you, but for your customers as well! What if there was a way to have more natural and organic sales conversations that didn’t feel like “selling” at all?   It’s Day 7 of the Double Your Revenue Challenge, and in today’s episode, Donald Miller teaches you the single most important thing you can do in a sales conversation. Instead of spending your time talking about your product, you’ll learn how to talk about the problem it solves for your customer. The only reason people buy products is to solve a problem – and when you know how to talk about those problems, you’ll sell more. Tune in now to learn how!   Take action and download the Double Your Revenue Challenge checklist at   --    If you’re looking for comprehensive training and ongoing weekly coaching to help you double your business’s revenue, join