Spiritual Transformation With Tanis Helliwell

Spiritual Transformation & You



ARE YOU GOING THROUGH A SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION? If you are undergoing a spiritual transformation it might feel as if you are losing control of your life, and perhaps even questioning your identity. This feeling, however, is just your personality’s fear of losing control. In actuality it is an indication of strength and spiritual and emotional maturity when a person undergoes this spiritual crisis. Our commitment to serve others above serving ourselves will be tested throughout the spiritual transformation process until we can say that our foremost goal is to serve the divine will on Earth. It is still possible to lead an ordinary life with family and career, but now our major concern is no longer with money, status, and security, but rather with a desire to assist others in some way. Our commitment to make a difference to others and the world fills our life with joy and love. Learn more in this podcast, and check out the courses designed to help you with this process, offered by the International Institute