Pete Scribner Sermons

Mark 9:30-50



Study/Review Questions: 1) In his classic work, Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis said that pride is “the essential vice, the utmost evil,” and that “unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere flea bites in comparison.” Why did he say this? Do you think he was right? 2) What are some times in your life when pride has casued you to be too concerned with appearances? What did this end up costing you in the end? 3) How is the mindset of Christ different than the world’s in terms of who is most important? 4) Why is a child such a perfect illustration of the point that Jesus is making in this passage? 5) In what ways do we act as “glory hogs” in our lives? 6) There have been those in Christian history who have taken the words of Christ in verses 43-47 literally, plucking out eyes and cutting off hands. How is this to miss the point of what he is saying and why would it fail to keep us from sinning anyway? 7) How do the world’s standards of importance tend to influence our own? How can we guar