Webster Style Magazine Podcast

Webster Style Magazine Podcast 7: An Imaged Redeemed with Fashion Washington



We had the pleasure of being invited to the launch party for the holiday issue of Fashion Washington which just so happened to feature our colleague Grant Harris of @ImageGranted. The event was held at the Redeem (1734 14th St. NW) clothing store in the U street area of Washington, DC. The event featured a who’s who of DC’s fashion and style scene who were treated to a signature drink from Ping Pong called the Ping Pong (of course) that used absinthe as its base while viewing floor displays featuring Redeem’s signature lines of men’s and women’s clothing and foot apparel by Wolverine. Listen to Elden and Jason's synopsis of the event as Elden conveniently thinks that Redeem is in Georgetown (it's really in the U St corridor), Grant talks about his experience with doing the issue, and the guys profess their love for Ping Pong's signature drink. Links of interest: Redeemus.com Imagegranted.com PingPongDimSum.us