The Rich Roll Podcast

Osher Günsberg Is Back After The (Psychotic) Break



Even in the darkest moments, there exists the potential for redemption, rebuilding, and the reclamation of one’s life. Today’s guest is a living embodiment of this truth. Meet Osher Günsberg—one of the most celebrated television hosts and media personalities in Australia.  Longtime listeners may recall Osher’s first appearance on the podcast over nine years ago (episode #76) where we discussed his journey to the big stage and his transformation from being a chubby kid to a plant-powered, marathon-running host of Australian Idol. Shortly after that conversation, Osher experienced a public psychotic breakdown that left him terrified, distressed and convinced the world was coming to an end. But rather than hide this experience and internalize his struggles with his mental health and substance abuse, Osher bravely began to talk openly about his recovery. Today he shares that terrifying experience in vivid detail, what happened, how he clawed his way back to sanity, and the hard-earned lessons he’s garnered along