Elaine Lindsay Keep Breathing!

Don Lachance The Grief Recovery Method and more S5 E6



Honoured to speak with a deeply committed, empathetic gentleman who lives here in Ottawa.  Our talk covers so much centered around Don's attention to serving those in need.  Here, I offer his bio in his own words... "A little bit about me and my life. I was born in 1953 and raised in Ottawa, Canada’s Capital. I’m married to Lauren, the love of my life. We have 5 kids, 9 grandkids, 2 active dogs, we work from home, we love to travel and are proud to say we are foodies. I have over 3 decades of recovery from Alcohol and Drug addiction under my belt.   While A.A. educated me in the areas of self love, codependency, healthy boundaries and such, there were areas in my life that just never quite felt complete to me and I could never really put my finger on it until I was introduced to The Grief Recovery Method by an amazing friend who was interested in it for his role as a Chaplain with his Outreach Ministry here in Ottawa. Capital City Mission. (shameless plug) The lights went on for me when I began to understand