Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

The Foolishness of God ...



Ezekiel 17:24 — Christians can be like children who provide instructions to adults without true knowledge. Like the child, Christians do this by thinking about how God should do things. In this sermon on Ezekiel 17:24 titled “The Foolishness of God…,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones walks through the Bible to see that God’s ways are not humanity’s ways, so much so that they think God’s ways are foolish. Jesus’s own life was renounced as foolishness in His day, and continues to be rejected by humankind because it is seen as silliness. At the end of this message, listeners will ask themselves these questions: “what will happen to you after you die? Can you save yourself? What is the purpose of this life?” All of these questions demand an answer, and Dr. Lloyd-Jones points in the only direction where it can be found: in the will of God.