Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep034



Episode 34: "Giving Thanks to the Holy Spirit". This Thanksgiving Podcast begins with Gary briefly telling Gene about his recent trip to Australia (and it's been 5 years since he was there last.) During the past 5 years, Gary's audience in Australia has grown substantially, and these podcasts are very popular Down Under, as well! The guys then chat a bit about the upcoming conference call on Nov. 30. Gary talks about going out (right after recording this show) to see the film, 2012, which apparently has a scene in which Gary's book "Your Immortal Reality" is seen sitting on a desk! (One would hope that alone would be enough to save the world...) Next up: Questions for Gary. First question asks Gary to summarize the relationship between our experiences of unity (or separation) with those around us, and our awareness of our relationship with God. Next question inquires about the nature of déja vu. The answer involves the Course's teaching that we are actually reviewing all that has alre