Odd Dad Out

ODO Ep 12: What's My Age Again?



Tonight I planned to talk about harvesting oranges, the craziness of the weather this winter, and the full blown force of El Niño. Fortunately I did NOT spend 30 minutes talking about the weather and got sidetracked into complaining about HOA's. I also realize that I am terrible at perceiving the basic passage of time, or my age, or whatever age I'm supposed to be.• It's winter time. That means harvesting season for the citrus in Arizona. I've been slowly working on picking all the oranges from my tree. I've gotten about 150 lbs down already and probably have another 200 to go. In the mean time winter has officially reared it's head and there are blizzards in some parts of the country. Northern Arizona has actually gotten 30 inches of SNOW in the last week. Some towns are nearly inaccessible because of the ice and snow on the mountain roads. Of course down here in Phoenix that just means it's been raining for 4 days straight with 40 degree temps. I realize that is warm for a lot of places, but for us here