Odd Dad Out

ODO Ep 11: The Road Ahead



Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016!For the first show of the new year, I am giving a quick recap of where we've been on this crazy little podcast, and where I want to go with things in the new year.It's time to look back on the year that's past and forward into my plans and goals for the podcast in 2016.•Found Spreaker App for Android, allowed live streaming and recording of a podcast from my phone. (totally not a paid plug)•July 22, 2015- Spur of the moment broadcast first Odd Dad Out Podcast live from my car while driving home from work. (My apologies to anyone who's listened to it.) I had no clue what I was doing, and used a Skyrim ringtone and canned audience for the intro. That actually stuck for a few shows.•August 6- Episode 3: "Rowdy" show, recorded the night before son #4 was born. First time actually using notes for a show. Took 3 tries to record and left me completely exhausted the next morning when it was time to have the baby.•Episode 4: First and so far only show with a co-host. Recorded show with my wife