Big Gay Nerds

Big Gay Nerds: Episode 263 (Strike Force Omega 1.1)



In the grim darkness of an unspecified future time, the Imperial Core gluts itself on conquest of the stars and exploitation of its own people. Out on the Fringe, people have to make due with what they have, but it's a damn sight better than being directly under the empire's heel. At least, that's what Quinn, Theovore, and Contact Zero-One--a trio of weird and mysterious badasses--seem to think. But when their adopted home system gets invaded, could their mysterious connections to the Core be just what's needed to keep that freedom? Content warnings for reference to medical dissection and human experimentation, undead, and armed violence (the latter will likely apply to most of this system). Strike Force Omega is a game by Chris Longhurst and can be bought here: The ship map/token I rambled about can be bought here: Music is "Raid" by Peritune under the Cre