Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: I won't be voting for a party that doesn't have a cogent water reform policy



As part of getting back to basics and bread and butter, Prime Minister Chris Hipkins announced that Three Waters is over. Just the name, mind It's an acknowledgement that the Opposition's campaign against Three Waters has tarnished its’ name.  So it's gone.  Not the reform. Just the name That was met by crowing by National Party members. In reply, I have said all along that I will not be voting for any party that doesn't have a cogent water reform policy. If you've listened to me you'll know that Labour's water reform rankles with me because of the appropriation and redistribution of assets and debt raised on them.  It penalised the councils doing well and rewarded councils that have been slack in investment and maintenance. But it did address the issue of raising enough equity to fund the work that is necessary for a water system we can be confident in So I was quite excited to see that National had finally stirred itself to present a water reform policy which they've called "Local Water Done Well". So what