Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Crunch time for our health system was a crisis 30 years in the making



We live in a world beset by problems right now.Having spent 2 years being ravaged by a pandemic we have entered an age of inflation and economic uncertainty.The world is full of bear markets crashing around us with the exception of crude oil prices that are up 6 per cent in the past month fuelling on more inflation. It’s a vicious cycle.And one of the most immediate crises is in the health sector.Tomorrow is the Winter solstice and the official start of deepest winter.For a long time now this has meant a crunch time for our health system. Respiratory illnesses like flu and RSV overwhelm our hospitals. But now we have the victims of Covid added into the mix.For weeks now we’ve had health workers saying it’s an emergency, that we’re at breaking point. We’re understaffed, under resourced, underfunded and that people will die because of it.The Health Minister maintains his line to maintain public confidence that we are coping. But the stories of brain bleed victims uncared for 8 hours who then die puts lie to tha