Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Barry Soper: Newstalk ZB Political Editor on new National shadow cabinet



National has unveiled its new-look line up with big promotions for Chris Bishop and Erica Stanford, now ranked fourth and seventh.Bishop has been reunited with the shadow leader of the house portfolio, which Collins stripped him of.Stanford has taken education from Paul Goldsmith, and retained the immigration portfolio.She has rocketed up the rankings, having been ranked 25th previously.One of the biggest losers is former leader Judith Collins, demoted to 19th. But she still stays in the shadow cabinet, and has the research, science and innovation portfolio.New National Party leader Chris Luxon has decided to part with the tradition of giving the entire caucus - except new and departing MPs - a numbered ranking.Instead, he's given rankings to the first 20 MPs, and left the rest unranked.'Ultimate team sport'Speaking at a press conference after revealing the reshuffle this afternoon, Luxon described politics as the "ultimate team sport".He said his line-up was based on performance, as well as matching people t