Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: There is complacency in the community and Government



Well since I was on air last week things have devolved into a right royal mess.Last Monday, the Prime Minister kept Auckland in Level 3 but threw the city a bone.You're still locked down but you can have a little visit with another family or your yoga class.Her mistake was fooling with the settings.What Aucklanders heard was socialising is back on the menu boys. They heard Level 2 with restrictions. Not Level 3 with picnics. Give a city an inch, it'll take a mile and it did and lo and behold, case numbers are up and the spectre of Melbourne and Sydney is upon us.Those cities got into a mess by going into loose lockdowns which don't work. The Government last week lost their bottle and made exactly the same mistake.They've bowed to the pressure from business who are constantly advocating for opening up, meanwhile they've let down the population who believe that the suppression of Covid cases until we're as fully vaccinated as we can be is the best course for the country.In trying to make everybody happier they'