Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: The industry of offence is in full swing



So, it’s about time that more of us put our big girl and boy pants on got over ourselves.The offence taking industry is in full swingIsrael Falau.  Who cares what a boofhead rugby player thinks will happen to gays?Raelene Castle did, and I suppose that’s her right.  But it’s not her right to try and force Israel to change his worldview.Alan Jones has come out today and talked about freedom of speech being under threat and he’s not wrong.  But then again, in the same article he gets all upset because Qantas is threatening to pull its sponsorship.  Grow up Alan, it’s their money that can do what they want.  You can’t protect Folau’s freedom then attack Qantas’sThen there was gold medal winner Sam Gaze who took offence that silver medal-winning mate Anton Cooper didn’t wait for him to pump his tyre up. I thought it was hilarious, not offensive, and I understood that a hyped up man boy at the end of the race was letting his adrenaline get to him. But the world piled in and called him our most ungracious winner ev