Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Julie Ulstrup, Embodying Brilliance: Unleashing Your Strength, Confidence, and Beauty, Episode 314



Today, we have the pleasure of diving into the world of empowerment and self-discovery with Julie Ulstrup, a leadership accelerator for women, fervently dedicated to empowering women to embody strength. confidence and beauty in their lives and brands. In this episode, she shares her personal story of transformation and gives all kinds of good tips around how you can bring your brilliance to life and gives all kinds of good tips on how you can bring your own brilliance to life. Prepare to be captivated by this radiant spirit.   In This Episode: Julie shares her courageous decision to walk the ancient pilgrimage alone, defying the norms and pushing her boundaries, which led to profound moments of self-discovery and a powerful awakening How you can love your photographs and transform your self-perception to allow you to step into your light and radiate confidence The importance of awareness and gratitude as key elements in integrating self-leadership into your life Feel empowered through her prove