While She Naps With Abby Glassenberg

Episode #135: 2018 Community Episode



As we wind up 2018 I’m taking a minute to look back on the podcast this year. We’ve had so many of interviews with guests I truly admire including a whole roster of other artists and designers who have built independent creative businesses that are incredibly inspirational. As we wrap up the year I wanted to turn to you, my listeners, and hear your voices on the show. I make this show for you, and it’s because of you that the show is a success. This is our third annual community episode and it’s one of my favorite episodes of the year. A few weeks ago I put out a call on my blog and in my newsletter asking you to record yourself and I got so many entries. Thank you! Specifically, I asked if you would recommend something you’re loving right now. Those of you that listen to the show regularly know that towards the end of the interview I always ask my guests to recommend great stuff they’re enjoying. This is the third annual Community Episode! And to help me out today I’m joined by my longtime friend Stacey Troc