What Got You There With Sean Delaney

My new book! Masterpiece in Progress: A Daily Guide to a Life Well Crafted



I've got something really special to share with you —my new book, Masterpiece in Progress: A Daily Guide to a Life Well Crafted, is coming out on October 10th but you can pre-order it today!  Head to masterpieceinprogressbook.com to pre order your kindle today! Inside the pages of Masterpiece in Progress, you'll find 365 motivational passages, one for each day of the year, carefully designed to challenge, inspire, and create personal and professional evolution. But that's not all!  This book is a reservoir of timeless wisdom— lessons that are foundational stones for a life sculpted by your deepest dreams, authenticity, and unwavering passion. And if you're the practical type (you know I am as well) don't worry, because this book is packed with actionable tools and insights to help you navigate and overcome the challenges life throws at us.   I’ve poured everything I have into this book, with the aim of making it your go-to resource in the art of living a magnificent life. If you're ready to transform your eve