Between The Gutters Podcast

Episode 187: Madi: Once Upon a Time in the Future by Duncan Jones, Alex de Campi, and Friends



Madi: Once Upon a Time in the Future is an intriguing experiment in producing a graphic novel. A science fiction story cowritten by film director Duncan Jones and comics veteran Alex de Campi, the comic's visuals were drawn and colored by around two dozen artists so that the book could come out sooner rather than later. Essentially a road trip story, the different artists drew various portions of the adventure so they could leave their visual stamp on the world of Madi. It's an intriguing experiment in theory, but how does the final product hold up in execution? Join us as we examine Madi: Once Upon a Time in the Future! Thanks again to Corey J. Beats for producing our theme music. Check out all of his music on various platforms here: If you have any thoughts, comments, questions, or corrections, we're here. Feel free to hit us up on our socials, or email us! We have a Linktree here: