Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Lori Taylor, Sowing Seeds of Change: Advocating for the Change You Desire in the World, Episode 315



I love a good changemaker story with a big mission and our guest, Lori Taylor is on a mission to put more fruits and vegetables on every table. She is the founder of The Produce Moms, a community with a passion for educating consumers on the benefits of eating, growing, selecting, storing, and serving fresh produce. As a produce supply chain professional for 10 years, Lori saw a void when it came to sharing knowledge about fresh produce brands, and she knew she wanted to find ways to inspire consumers to eat more fruits and vegetables.    In This Episode: Lori talks about her background in the produce industry and how she founded The Produce Moms as a platform to bridge the gap between the produce industry and consumers How she creates and advocates change in the food culture Why you need comprehensive resources on how to select, store, and serve fruits and vegetables The need to improve school meal programs, including the importance of salad bars in schools and efforts to reintroduce universal