Spoilerpiece Theatre

Episode #478: "Sitting in Bars with Cake" and "You Are So Not Invited To My Bat Mitzvah"



It's family/tearjerker week at Spoilerpiece! Evan is off, so Megan and Dave tackle the Adam Sandler family comedy (meaning it's a family comedy and it stars Sandler's family) YOU ARE SO NOT INVITED TO MY BAT MITZVAH (5:24). This movie has everything: Petty gripes, snipes, and pipes. (It doesn't have pipes; Dave just wanted to rhyme. -Ed.) And it features a whole lot of tween/teen angst. (One of us liked it more than the other.) Then at 28:44, the dynamic duo (TM) settles into SITTING IN BARS WITH CAKE, which is exactly what it sounds like, until it turns into a pretty serious drama about two lifelong best friends dealing with one's cancer diagnosis. And patrons! Don't forget to check out this week's exclusive Patreon audio in which Dave and Megan talk about the 1979 nuclear disaster thriller THE CHINA SYNDROME, starring Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon, and Michael Douglas. It's a fun talk about a great movie. Quick LinksGet Embed PlayerShare on SocialDownload Audio File