

Today’s episode is entitled A Mindful Getaway. My wife and I decided to get away for a day and enjoy a relaxing, mindful experience outside of our regular circle of existence. We decided to go to an island with almost no traffic, beautiful gardens, breathtaking views, and stunning beaches. Swimming was something we wanted to include. Access to good food and snacks was also required, so we could travel without taking much with us except for water and a bathing suit. It would be a place we had never visited before, a brand-new destination. Sometimes, you can plan a mindful experience if you purposefully set out to do it. I thought about this experience we hoped to have, and then a possible destination popped into my mind. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: We Did It Well, we actually did it. And the day included everything I’ve mentioned. Now, to backtrack a bit, I have had a lot of experiences where I drive somewhere and ei