Ep. 41 Becoming Bulletproof: Overcoming People Pleasing and Mastering Decision Making



Imagine a world where you are bulletproof against people pleasing, confident in your decision-making, and in control of your life's trajectory. That's the world we're inviting you into. We are going to arm you with practical strategies to vanquish the manipulative nature of people pleasing and the weight of indecisiveness, emboldening you to confidently navigate both macro and micro decisions in your life.We kick off with a candid discussion on the dynamics of male-female relationships and the inherent expectation for men to be the leaders of homes, sparking some intriguing revelations. Then we delve into the art of making big decisions - from the looming ones that weigh you down to the small everyday choices that define your life. We share practical examples, including my own struggle with indecisiveness and how setting a timer and committing to decisions has changed my life. We promise you this: By the end of this episode, you’ll be equipped with actionable advice on making decisions confiden