Sales Gravy: Jeb Blount

Revolutionize The Customer Experience With Sales And Marketing Alignment



Delivering A Next-Level Customer Experience In this Sales Gravy Podcast, Jeb Blount talks to Clare Dorrian, SugarCRM's CMO, about putting people first, building human connections, and prioritizing the customer experience in a saturated market. Clare shares expert insights on outbound prospecting, multi-channel engagement, and building a strong sales culture. Their conversation covers a range of topics, including the evolution of sales and marketing, the role of relationships in modern selling, and driving pipeline growth through real connection. In a highly competitive market, differentiation is key. Sales organizations should prioritize customer service and engagement as a means to drive pipeline growth and set themselves apart from competitors. Outbound prospecting is essential for building pipeline and requires a team effort, with every member of the organization contributing to pipeline growth. Building a strong sales culture means aligning goals and KPIs across departments, and promoting a team