Lead Singer Syndrome With Shane Told

Steve Soboslai (Punchline, Blue of Colors ) Returns!



Episode 328 – Steve of Punchline returns to the show four years later, and a lot has happened in that time! Getting married, having a child, starting a new solo project while still working on Punchline material, a podcast about the band, and… ChatGPT? We get into all the details of those things and more. Many things to point you to, and check it all out: the debut album of his solo project “Blue of Colors”, called “Long Time Coming”, is out now everywhere; a new Punchline song “Find Yourself” also out everywhere, and last but not least, the podcast recounting Punchline’s history, “A Band Called Punchline”, available everywhere you get your podcasts! Brought to you by: OYE RECS IS BACK .... with more very tasty treats, this time of the Pop-Punk variety. ANOTHER ONE DOWN! is a newer band you're going to want to check out. The deluxe edition of their debut album is OUT NOW!! Don't miss unique pop-punk anthems like "Betray a Friend" ... it's catchy as hell. GET THIS ROOKIE CARD EVERYONE! oyerecs.com I am stoked