Grit And Grace

Raising Your Vibration: How to Create Everything You Desire Through Rituals and Spells



How do your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions contribute to your vibrational state? How do they impact your ability to attract or repel what you desire?Tahverlee delves into the world of spell work and rituals and shares how the energy and vibrational states we cultivate directly impact our ability to manifest our desires. Get practical tools to evaluate your vibrational state, heal and address negative beliefs, and create a daily rising ritual to maintain a centered and aligned state.Commit to your self-growth, heal old beliefs, and raise your vibration to manifest the life of your dreams. Find the WitchFest song to help raise your vibration HERE. Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur, High Priestess, Ritualist, and Initiate of the Sacred Way. Visit Moon Temple Mystery School for ancient teachings for our modern world, spiritual coaching, and everything you need to know as you walk your awakening path. Visit us at Mystery School and peruse all of our Magical Offerings. Check out Wha