The Manwhore Podcast: A Sex-positive Quest For Love

Ep. 192: When You Hate Your Sugar Daddy



Stay up-to-date with future Billy at “I usually drug myself before I have sex with him,” says this week’s Manwhore Podcast guest. Dove is a sugar baby. She’s a sugar baby who detests her clients. “I like them when they’re losers because they’re easy.” Hear how this young woman went from dating me to making $30,000 this year off of just one guy! If I’m the cause, shouldn’t I get a cut? ALSO: I got yelled at by a strange man at a sex party on Saturday. If he wanted me to run out of the house crying, all he had to do was call me fat! Oh well. PLUS: nudes, New York dating, rejection, threesomes, communication, and rich dudes! Enter to win a free Stay Slutty button by answering this survey! Follow me online! Twitter: @TheBillyProcida Instagram: @TheBillyProcida Facebook Fan Page /r/manwhorepodcast Become a member of my fanwhore community on Patreon for just $1(.38). Click here to pledge today! Support The Manwhore Podcast by signing up for Winc. Email your comments, questions, a