Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

Are there boundaries to Jewish caricatures?



Are there boundaries to Jewish caricatures? We didn’t even know that Ben was recording. But he was! He recorded our discussion of a political cartoon. (you can look at it on this link) It made Matt particularly uncomfortable and we debate its appropriateness. The issue was that the government was defunding existing programs to transfer more money to Haredi causes and institutions. And so the cartoon showed Orthodox Jews running away with bags of money. Isn’t that an antisemitic trope? But even if so, how else can an Israeli political cartoonist show Haredi party leaders taking money away from other parties? It’s an interesting but niche topic. So while we didn’t record a full episode about it, we’re releasing it as a bonus while we prepare to record the next batch. Enjoy and Shana Tova!Here is a link to the Guardian cartoon that Calev mentions. Let us know what you think about the issue, and who you agree with. Enjoy! Please let us know what you think! This episode was recorded and edited by the amazing Ben W