Coffee & Change

Episode 126: Conducting Change with Tim Seelig



One of the most enjoyable and rewarding aspects of hosting and running a podcast is when a guest you have just interviewed feels seen, heard and believed. And it is from that place of belonging that he or she so enthusiastically says, “Oh, you know who you should have on your show…” And another bridge is built to another human I wouldn’t have met otherwise. Well, this past week, I got to meet one of those incredible humans. David Watson, a former guest once said to me, “You have to interview Tim Seelig for the podcast.” And boy, was David right. This is one of those stories I didn’t know I needed to hear to heal. Tim Seelig is the former Director of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus and has lived and witnessed historic change in his personal and professional life. Tim is a father, grandfather, author, a speaker, a performer, a conductor, a mentor, a coach and most importantly a friend and lifesaver to a great many humans on this Earth. Tim even won an Emmy for Best Documentary titled After Goodbye: An