The Tiny Time Big Results Podcast With Yasmin Vorajee

#99: Embrace the Long Game - Here's Why



EMBRACE THE LONG GAME...HERE'S WHY! I know it's not sexy to say this but I want you to take this message to heart because it is literally the difference between why some people succeed and others don't. It's too easy to think that there are people out there having overnight successes. It's easy to think that because it lets you off the hook - but what if we approached business differently? And take a healthier and more sustainable approach? Here's how you can... (7 mins) The next round of Message Mastery starts soon - message me if you want to get more information on this profound program that will give you everything you need to master your message and attract perfect-fit clients and sell high value offers.  ***************************************************************************************************** Hello lovely! I'm Yasmin. I'm a business and marketing strategist, bestselling author and the founder of Tiny Time Big Results. I specialise in teaching coaches and experts how to attract premium clien