Theatre First

Love Lust Lost (Melbourne Australia) (review)



Stream podcast episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). Love Lust Lost (MTC, Melbourne, Australia) (review) Love Lust Lost is the new, immersive and multi-sensory choose-your-own theatrical adventure from Broad Encounters, the trouble-makers behind the legendary A Midnight Visit. Embark upon a strange craft, helmed by the mysterious Captain. Descend to shimmering, new depths in a subterranean world, where an epic theatrical playground awaits your exploration, set across a vast 40 spaces in an abandoned theatre. Discover a seductive and decadent underworld of mystery, terrible sacrifice and sweet surrender in a performance experience like no other. Encounter lost souls, thrilling adventure and luminescent splendour as you piece together the truth of this otherworldly realm … and the Captain’s own mind. Madness roils, dreams unfurl and aching secrets bloom through the dark. Will you uncover the mysteries of the deep? Melding music and theatre, soundscapes and spoken word, circus and dance,