Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - With Derek Rydall | Spiritual | Productivity | Self-help | Happines

Life vs Life Experience: The Master Key to Healing & Achieving Everything



We don't experience life as it is, we experience it through our perceptions about it. Life is already whole, perfect, and complete, but when we judge 'life experience' and let that determine what's true and possible, we're stuck with the limited beliefs of the world and can't fulfill our deepest potential. In today’s podcast, you'll discover the fourfold path that sets you free from the shackles of past experience and opens you to the realm of ultimate reality -- where unlimited power, abundance, and boundless joy are waiting to pour forth and renew your life on every level! It's not personal, its principle; it's not wishful thinking, it's wish fulfilling!  Listen to “Life vs. Life Experience: the Master Key to Healing and Achieving Everything,” to experience that “peace that passes all understanding” now.