Ruth Institute Podcast

Transgender Medicine and Therapy Failed Her



Chloe Cole joins Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse to talk about how the entire medical establishment failed her by trying to turn her into a boy. Join us on censorship free Locals: Chloe Cole is a detransitioner and describes herself as a "former trans kid" She was diagnosed with gender dysphoria at 9 years old and was treated by Kaiser Permanente in the San Francisco Bay Area between the ages of 13 and 17. She was a tomboy who thought of herself as a social misfit. She started thinking about transitioning after creating an Instagram account and being recommended lots of LGBTQ content: "Social media introduced this idea that I could be a boy." In eighth grade, Chloe was sexually assaulted and she began binding her breasts with chest binders. She was prescribed puberty blockers at age 13, and a month later, she was injected with large doses of opposite sex hormones (which permanently lowered her voice).  Chloe had a double mastectomy at age 15, in June 2020. At age 16, she realized