Utah Weekly Forum With Rebecca Cressman

Utah Business Filters Unwanted Content Out of Movies and TV Shows



About 8 out of 10 Americans watch movies and TV shows by streaming on platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and AppleTV.  But, some of that entertainment has mature scenes and language that are more graphic than viewers want to see or hear. VidAngel is a company in Lehi, Utah that developed technology that gives users the choice of what content to filter out or block when streaming shows on-line. In this episode of Utah Weekly Forum, FM100.3 Host Rebecca Cressman is joined by VidAngel CEO Bill Aho who explains how the filtering service works with streaming platforms and how VidAngel can help parents watch shows with their children without the worry. For a limited time, new subscribers can try VidAngel for one month for $1 with the code word "Rebecca" at VidAngel.com.